Reported by : Andrew Sebastian
“Bird Malaysia’s recent trip for Tony Puttock and friends at Fraser’s Hill and Taman Negara, was a complete success. All target mammals were recorded especially the Malayan Tapir (2 recently captive-released were recorded at the resorts grounds and a wild pair was recorded for more than 3 hours at the famous Kumbang Hide at Taman Negara) and the Siamang was closely observed at Fraser’s Hill.
The group, guided by naturalist Andrew Sebastian, also recorded over 190 species of birds for this 5 night trip. Here are some images as recorded by the group’s leader Tony Puttock.
Bird Malaysia congrats the groups for a successful and safe trip and for the many wonderful unique and rare wildlife (about 11 different mammals, 6 different primates and 3 species of snakes including the vibrant Coral snake.”
Cheers, Andrew