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Malaysia is made up of two regions namely West Malaysia and East Malaysia. West Malaysia is a peninsular connected to continental South East Asia, whereas East Malaysia is part of the world’s third largest island Borneo.
Continental South East Asia has a recorded 1225 species of birds including its winter migrants with West Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) and East Malaysia (Borneo: Sabah and Sarawak) accounting for over 742 species. Sabah has a total of 568 species, 399 of which are resident and 197 migrants.
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One of the planet's best kept secrets is the biosphere of the Malay Peninsular. This geographical zone is one the most bio-diverse regions on earth. It is a treasure house of some of the most exotic plant life, birdlife, animal life and marine life on the planet.
Kuala Gula its surrounding area is a sanctuary for nearly 200 species of birds. It lies at the northern end of the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve in the state of Perak Adjacent to this fishing village are mangrove swamps, mudflats and estuaries while on its hinterland are extensive oil palm plantations.